Compute the centered log ratio (CLR) transform of a count matrix.
The CLR of a vector x
of counts in D
categories is defined as
clr(x) = log(x) - mean(log(x))
. For details see van den Boogaart and Tolosana-Delgado (2013).
# set probability of each category
prob <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5)
# number of total counts
countsTotal <- 300
# number of samples
n_samples <- 5
# simulate info for each sample
info <- data.frame(Age = rgamma(n_samples, 50, 1))
rownames(info) <- paste0("sample_", 1:n_samples)
# simulate counts from multinomial
counts <- t(rmultinom(n_samples, size = countsTotal, prob = prob))
colnames(counts) <- paste0("cat_", 1:length(prob))
rownames(counts) <- paste0("sample_", 1:n_samples)
# centered log ratio
#> cat_1 cat_2 cat_3 cat_4
#> sample_1 -0.8764783 -0.1372400 0.2221340 0.7915844
#> sample_2 -0.5899417 -0.2534694 0.1863204 0.6570906
#> sample_3 -0.5751955 -0.1740688 0.1114370 0.6378272
#> sample_4 -0.9834305 -0.1240479 0.3538077 0.7536706
#> sample_5 -0.7635900 -0.2205036 0.2788277 0.7052659